查看完整版本: 該去英國還是美國念書?
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chianghengchun 發表於 2015-6-15 09:54 AM



SevenXuan 發表於 2015-6-15 08:32 PM

建議去澳洲 而且選擇緊缺科系





helenachanel 發表於 2015-6-18 01:03 AM

I think the primary differences are the American and British systems of education. There are quite some aspects that should be considered when making a decision.
1) Length of Time
In general, degree programs in the US take about one year longer than programs in the UK, although this varies depending upon whether you receive a Master’s degree prior to a PhD. In both systems, you can go directly to a PhD program out of your undergraduate program, but in the UK it is more common to complete a Master’s degree program before moving on to a PhD. Courses of study are shorter in the UK as the course programs are generally much more focused than in the US.

2) University Organization

Many universities in the UK are made up of “colleges” which are dedicated to a specific subject matter. While the colleges are still governed by the university, each college has quite a lot of autonomy from each other as well as the university itself. You live with others in your college, eat with others from your college, and generally stay within your college for the duration of your studies. Rather than applying to the central university admissions department, like you do in the US, you either apply directly to the college of the subject you want to study, or in the case of undergraduate programs, you apply through a centralized system which allows you to apply to several colleges at once. This system is called the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, or UCAS. This means that you have to know what you want to study before you even apply.

By contrast, in the US, you apply to the larger university and for the first year or more, you take courses from a variety of fields and only declare a major at the end of the first year or perhaps even during the second year. American universities have different “schools,” or departments, such as the School of Arts and Sciences, which houses a number of related majors. However, even after you declare a major at an American university, you are still expected to take classes outside of that field, known as “electives.” For this reason, we can say that the general emphasis of higher education in the US is breadth, or getting a range of knowledge from a variety of different subjects. In the UK, the emphasis is more on depth; getting a very thorough understanding of your chosen subject.

3) Homework and Grades

Because the US system emphasizes breadth, courses require weekly or even biweekly readings as well as other assignments such as small writing projects, major research papers, and oral presentations throughout the course. In the UK, most schools are much more lecture-based, with only occasional assignments throughout the semester. In some cases, there may be no actual required assignments and instead your entire grade may be based on one final exam. In the US, your grade will be based on your performance on the variety of assignments, with a final exam making up only a percentage of your total grade.

The cost of education in both countries is far from cheap, but the cost of an education in the United States is generally higher. According to a law passed in 2012, universities in England may charge up to £9000 (approximately $14,300) per year. Of course, this applies only to citizens of the UK and the EU, not international students. Fees for international students can be significantly higher. The government sets the limits for tuition fees, and each individual school sets its own fee up to that limit.

By contrast, the government has very little control over what universities charge in the United States. The US differentiates between in-state tuition fees and out-of-state tuition fees, as well as between private and public universities. These distinctions determine the tuition fee. The average tuition fee for public two-year institutions is around $3000 per year, while the average fee for private four-year institutions is around $29,000 per year. Finally, some private four-year institutions can cost up to $50,000 per year. In order to help students cover the cost of tuition in both countries, loans are available through the government with favorable terms and interest rates.

From my personal point of view, I have chosen to do my BSc degree in the UK purely because it saves time (3 years only) and it seems like graduate prospects are better and more widely accepted in my hometown compared to US ones (except for Ivy leagues' of course)....<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div>

galsmihonafujii 發表於 2015-6-18 02:47 AM


mr.onizuka 發表於 2015-6-18 11:01 AM



pacifixpacifix 發表於 2015-6-18 04:21 PM

美國呀! 普遍來說, 在美國念書的接受度比在英國的高許多
但美國申請程序較複雜, 且有些學校需要 GRE/GMAT 及提供讀書計畫, 履歷等等等
可以找代辦ㄟ! 但是找到好的代辦很重要!
我都推薦玉鼎給我的朋友, 好幾個case下來每個朋友都很滿意 & 回來謝謝我
因為玉鼎的顧問不只專業, 友善, 還隨時找的到!
可以上網查一下囉! {:45:}

Laitnenopxe 發表於 2015-6-19 03:50 AM


補充內容 (2015-6-20 04:02 AM):
美國移民比英國容易太多了,而且畢業後直接拿OPT不用工作簽證就能工作至少一年= =...<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div>

SevenXuan 發表於 2015-6-19 10:53 AM

如果畢業想在當地找到工作 美英都很慘

只有澳洲比較容易. ((前提是讀對身分  你先取得居留權 以居民身分找

但是不論任何國家 回台灣很可能都是被壓榨跟低薪

我想不論是你 或幫你出錢的人 都不會樂見這種情形 ((你家有錢例外))

在國外工作幾年取得國外工作經驗後回台灣 留學會比較有意義


angel750726 發表於 2015-6-24 01:38 PM


frankenstein824 發表於 2015-7-6 10:31 PM

想要學得比較扎實一點的話 ~ 北美得教育還是比較值得推薦啦!
英國的學校也有世界前幾的 ~ 但是我有遇見很兩光的 PHD ...
還在國立大學裡面當教授 .. <br><br><br><br><br><div></div>

sa50521 發表於 2015-7-11 12:50 PM


zhoukou862 發表於 2015-7-16 02:46 PM




ladenchen 發表於 2015-7-28 03:16 AM


panpeter_208 發表於 2015-7-31 07:19 PM


panpeter_208 發表於 2015-7-31 07:20 PM

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